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About My24HourNews.Com 


Technology First. News Second. Global Trust. 

Why My24HourNews.Com?


We are not an aggregator of news….we produce our own unbiased video news content for the My24 broadcast platform. My24HourNews.Com puts the power of video news we produce in our studio in the palm of your hand. Each news story, whether national or international, is short, concise, accurate, and most importantly unbiased. In a world of right and left, and short attention spans, most people want just the news reported with no opinions or bias. Our brand of digital video news on a proprietary broadcast platform for mobile, gives a unique news experience that sets us apart from our competitors. My24 started off in a joint venture with AT&T. Through My24's innovation and intellectual property, spawned AT&T's evolution in acquiring DirecTV and Time Warner which owns CNN. Now on a fresh start, My24 seeks to maintain our lead  in digital platform technology and digital content. 


What problem does My24 solve?

My24 delivers unbiased of news using our own proprietary platform to cut through the noise of being inundated with news and information that you did not sign up for. Most news platforms are a mix of text and video clips. My24’s revolutionary platform categorizes every single news story with sub categories. My24 is a 100 % digital video platform that allows users to customize their news categories, receiving breaking news video from our news anchors pushed to their mobile phone or tablet. If you have used Apple News, Flipboard, Newsy, or CNN, you will find a hodgepodge of news not customized to the individual user. Time is valuable and people’s patience is short. My24’s current design and platform allows users to navigate our platform with our signature Newswheel in any one of our 11 news categories.     

A female newscaster talking into her mic
Filming Streets
TV presenter preparing to live streaming

The Team 


Erik Founded My24 before smartphones were smart. He is the visionary leader behind the technology and content that My24 produces.

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Erik is the CEO & Founder of My24 

Musicians in Recording Studio


Man Holding Laptop

The Tech Guy 

Other Brands Affiliated With My24 



Vurbil is the world’s first social media video debate platform where its members can debate any topic, in any category, within a safe space. Vurbil' s novel platform and technology has a patent pending. Vurbil is not just limited to debating. In Vurbil' s new features, there are several way to post your thoughts, ideas, videos, and other media to your fellow Vurbers. Available on iOS, Android, and the Web.


Any debater on the Vurbil platform has the option to debate either publicly, or privately. If debating on the public platform, the debater(s) will be rated by the public at large on their arguments. The AI judge will “flip a coin” to determine which debater will go first for their opening remarks; each debater will then have 60 seconds to give their opening remarks. After each debater(s) 60 second opening, then each debater will have 25 seconds of closing remarks while the public actively assess and votes on the current debater(s) arguments.

Users of the Vurbil platform will have a large selection of debate topics to choose from, ranging from: current events, politics, music, pop culture, etc.


The rules, as set by Vurbil, establish a safe space for every member to express/argue their position(s). This  includes Vurb posts. Vurbil encourages civil dialogue and a decorum of respect for one another. Passion is encouraged; however, personal attacks & abusive language towards fellow Vurbers will not be tolerated on the platform. Vurbil' s AI content moderation features ensures freedom of expression while keeping respectful boundaries towards fellow Vurbil users. 

My24Erica  - ERICA

E.R.I.C.A stands for Electronic Repetitious Informational Clone Application. She is designed as an evolving AI assistant to give opinions and suggestions about everything. Invented in 2009 by Erik Underwood, E.R.I.C.A is the first personal assistant with a personality and face.


Currently as a first generation release, with more capabilities/features to follow, you can use E.R.I.C.A on My24Erica.Com right now for your movie purchases, news, and entertainment. 

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© 2023 All Rights Reserved - My24HourNews.Com, Inc. - Newswheel logo and the My24 mark are trademarked. My24Erica.Com (E.R.I.C.A, Corp.) and Vurbil Inc. are intellectual property owned by Erik M.Underwood and is licensed to My24. 

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